Codegen’s Codebase constructor accepts a CodebaseConfig object which is used to configure more advanced behaviors of the graph construction process.

These flags are helpful for debugging problematic repos, optimizing Codegen’s performance, or testing unreleased or experimental (potentially backwards-breaking) features.

These are considered experimental features and may change in the future!

As such, they may have little to no testing or documentation. Many of these flags may also be unsupported in the future!

If you need help, please visit our community.

These configuration options are defined in src/codegen/configs/models/


You can customize the behavior of the graph construction process when initializing a Codebase by passing a CodebaseConfig object with the desired configuration flags.

from codegen import Codebase
from codegen.configs import CodebaseConfig

# Initialize a Codebase with custom configuration
codebase = Codebase(

Table of Contents

Configuration Flags

Flag: debug

Default: False

Enables verbose logging for debugging purposes. In its current form, it enables:

  • Verbose logging when adding nodes to the graph
  • Verbose logging during initial file parsing
  • Additional assertions on graph creation
  • Additional (costly) debug metrics on codebase construction
  • etc.

This flag may be very noisy and significantly impact performance. It is generally not recommended to use.

Flag: verify_graph

Default: False

Adds assertions for graph state during reset resync. Used to test and debug graph desyncs after a codebase reset.

Runs post_reset_validation after a reset resync.

This is an internal debug flag.

Flag: track_graph

Default: False

Keeps a copy of the original graph before a resync. Used in conjunction with verify_graph to test and debug graph desyncs.

Original graph is saved as ctx.old_graph.

This is an internal debug flag.

Flag: method_usages

Default: True

Enables and disables resolving method usages.

Example Codebase:

class Foo:
    def bar():

obj = Foo()  # Method Usage

Codemod with method_usages on:

bar_func = codebase.get_class("Foo").get_method("bar")
len(bar_func.usages)  # 1
bar_func.usages  # []

Codemod with method_usages off:

bar_func = codebase.get_class("Foo").get_method("bar")
len(bar_func.usages)  # 0
bar_func.usages  # []

Method usage resolution could be disabled for a marginal performance boost. However, it is generally recommended to leave it enabled.

Flag: sync_enabled

Default: False

Enables or disables graph sync during codebase.commit.

Implementation-specific details on sync graph can be found here.

This section won’t go into the specific details of sync graph, but the general idea is that enabling sync graph will update the Codebase object to whatever new changes were made.

Example with sync_enabled on:

file = codebase.get_file(...)
file.insert_after("foobar = 1")

foobar = codebase.get_symbol("foobar")
assert foobar  # foobar is available after commit / graph sync

Example with sync_enabled disabled:

file = codebase.get_file(...)
file.insert_after("foobar = 1")

foobar = codebase.get_symbol("foobar", optional=True)
assert not foobar  # foobar is not available after commit

Enabling sync graph will have a performance impact on codebase commit, but will also unlock a bunch of operations that were previously not possible.

Flag: full_range_index

Default: False

By default, Codebase maintains an internal range-to-node index for fast lookups. (i.e. bytes 120 to 130 maps to node X). For optimization purposes, this only applies to nodes defined and handled by

Enabling full_range_index will create an additional index that maps all tree-sitter ranges to nodes. This can be useful for debugging or when you need to build any applications that require a full range-to-node index (i.e. a codebase tree lookup).

This flag significantly increases memory usage!

Flag: ignore_process_errors

Default: True

Controls whether to ignore errors that occur during external process execution (such as dependency manager or language engine).

Disabling ignore_process_errors would make Codegen fail on errors that would otherwise be logged then ignored.

Flag: disable_graph

Default: False

Disables the graph construction process. Any operations that require the graph will no longer work. (In other words, this turns off import resolution and usage/dependency resolution)

Functions that operate purely on AST such as getting and editing parameters or modifying function and class definitions will still work.

For codemods that do not require the graph (aka only AST/Syntax-level changes), disabling graph parse could yield a 30%-40% decrease in parse time and memory usage!

Flag: disable_file_parse

Default: False

Disables ALL parsing, including file and graph parsing. This essentially treats all codebases as the “UNSUPPORTED” language mode.

Nearly all functions except for editing primitives like codebase.get_file and file.edit will no longer work.

This flag is useful for any usages of Codegen that do NOT require any AST/CST/Graph parsing. (i.e. using Codegen purely as a file editing harness)

If this is your use case, this could decrease parse and memory usage by 95%.

Flag: exp_lazy_graph

Default: False

This experimental flag pushes the graph creation back until the graph is needed. This is an experimental feature and may have some unintended consequences.

Example Codemod:

from codegen import Codebase
from codegen.configs import CodebaseConfig

# Enable lazy graph parsing
codebase = Codebase("<repo_path>", config=CodebaseConfig(exp_lazy_graph=True))

# The codebase object will be created immediately with no parsing done
# These all do not require graph parsing

# These do require graph parsing, and will create the graph only if called

This may have a very slight performance boost. Use at your own risk!

Flag: generics

Default: True

Enables and disables generic type resolution.

Example Codebase:

class Point:
    def scale(cls, n: int):

class List[T]():
    def pop(self) -> T:

l: List[Point] = []
l.pop().scale(1)  # Generic Usage

Codemod with generics on:

bar_func = codebase.get_class("Point").get_method("scale")
len(bar_func.usages)  # 1
bar_func.usages  # [l.pop().scale(1)]

Codemod with generics off:

bar_func = codebase.get_class("Point").get_method("scale")
len(bar_func.usages)  # 0
bar_func.usages  # []

Generic resolution is still largely WIP and experimental, and may not work in all cases. In some rare circumstances, disabling generics may result in a significant performance boost.

Flag: import_resolution_paths

Default: []

Controls alternative paths to resolve imports from.

Example Codebase:

# a/b/c/
def update():

from c import src as operations



codebase.ctx.config.import_resolution_paths = ["a/b"]

Flag: import_resolution_overrides

Default: {}

Controls import path overrides during import resolution.

Example from a.b.c import d with the override a/b -> foo/bar will internally resolve the import as from import d.

Flag: py_resolve_syspath

Default: False

Enables and disables resolution of imports from sys.path.

For this to properly work, you must also set allow_external to True.

Flag: allow_external

Default: False

Enables resolving imports, files, modules, and directories from outside of the repo path.

Turning this flag off may allow for bad actors to access files outside of the repo path! Use with caution!

Flag: ts_dependency_manager

Default: False

This is an internal flag used for Codegen Cloud and should not be used externally!

This flag WILL nuke any existing node_modules folder!

This flag also assumes many constants for Codegen Cloud. Very likely this will not work if run locally.

Instead, just install node_modules as normal (either through npm, pnpm, or yarn) and skip this setting!

Enables Codegen’s internal dependency installer for TypeScript. This will modify package.json and install the bare minimum set of installable dependencies.

More documentation on TypeScript dependency manager can be found here

Flag: ts_language_engine

Default: False

This feature was built primarily with Codegen Cloud in mind. As such, this assumes a valid NodeJS and TypeScript environment.

Enables using the TypeScript compiler to extract information from the codebase. Enables commands such as inferred_return_type.

This will increase memory usage and parsing time. Larger repos may even hit resource constraints with the bundled TypeScript compiler integration.

Flag: v8_ts_engine

Default: False

This feature flag requires ts_language_engine to be enabled as well.

Enables using the V8-based TypeScript compiler to extract information from the codebase. Enables commands such as inferred_return_type.

The V8 implementation (as opposed to the default external-process based implementation) is less stable, but provides the entire TypeScript API to be used from within Codegen.

This will increase memory usage and parsing time. Larger repos may even hit resource constraints with the V8-based TypeScript compiler integration.

Flag: unpacking_assignment_partial_removal

Default: False

Enables smarter removal of unpacking assignments.

Example Codebase:

a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)

Codemod with unpacking_assignment_partial_removal on:

file = codebase.get_file(...)
b = file.get_symbol("b")

file.symbols  # [a, c]
file.source  # "a, c = (1, 3)"

Codemod with unpacking_assignment_partial_removal off:

file = codebase.get_file(...)
b = file.get_symbol("b")

file.symbols  # []
file.source  # ""

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